NASGRO® is a suite of programs used to:
Analyze fatigue crack growth and fracture
Perform assessments of structural life
Process and store fatigue crack growth properties
Analyze fatigue crack formation (initiation)
NASGRO Version 6.1 was released in August 2010.
The next meeting of the NASGRO Consortium will be held at SwRI in May 2011.
NASGRO is licensable for a fee. Over 260 single-seat licenses to NASGRO have been obtained by a wide range of users from different industries.
The materials database includes a large set of crack growth rate and fracture toughness data. The stress intensity factor library provides models for over 60 different crack geometries.
NASGRO was originally developed at the NASA Johnson Space Center to perform fracture control analysis on NASA space systems. A growing interest in NASGRO among a variety of industrial users motivated NASA to develop a new partnership with industry. NASA and Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI®) have signed a Space Act Agreement under which SwRI formed and manages a consortium to provide guidance and support for future NASGRO development and user services. The NASGRO Consortium is now completing its third three-year cycle (2007-2010) and enrollment in the fourth three-year cycle (2010-2013) is underway.
Southwest Research Institute
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